In the event of a payment error, please contact our office as soon as possible at 250.388.5555 (or in writing) to request a refund, and one of our agents will be happy to assist you immediately. It remains the discretion of Hendry Swinton McKenzie Insurance Services Inc. whether a refund is processed on the client’s credit card or a cheque is issued to refund payment. If monies are owed on the client’s account, a refund request may be denied.
If at any time during the term of your policy you wish to cancel your insurance policy and request a refund, please contact our office at 250.388.5555 (or in writing), and one of our agents will be happy to assist you immediately. You will need to sign a Form of Surrender and, as your Broker, we will forward your request to your insurance company who will issue a refund based on the terms of your policy.